Annie Besant, An Autobiography

Annie Besant

Annie Besant, An Autobiography, by Annie Besant - click to see full size image

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Annie Besant: An Autobiography was originally published in 1908. The author was a British socialist, theosophist, freemason, and women's rights activist. After meeting Helena Blavatsky in 1890, Besant became more interested in Theosophy and later became President of the Theosophical Society. This autobiography charts her life from early childhood in London and includes the following chapters: Out Of The Everywhere Into The Here; Early Childhood; Girlhood; Marriage; The Storm Of Doubt; Charles Bradlaugh; Atheism As I Knew And Taught It; At Work; The Knowlton Pamphlet; At War All Round; Mr. Bradlaugh's Struggle; Still Fighting; Socialism; and, Through Storm To Peace.

This book has 95,212 words, 136 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1908.

Production notes: This ebook of Annie Besant, An Autobiography was published by Global Grey in 2018, and updated on the 7th January 2023. The artwork used for the cover is 'Girl Reading' by Edmund Charles Tarbell.

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