Beside The Fire

Douglas Hyde

Beside The Fire, by Douglas Hyde - click to see full size image

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A collection Of 15 Irish Gaelic Folk Stories. From the Preface: 'IRISH and Scotch Gaelic folk-stories are, as a living form of literature, by this time pretty nearly a thing of the past. They have been trampled in the common ruin under the feet of the Zeitgeist, happily not before a large harvest has been reaped in Scotland, but, unfortunately, before anything worth mentioning has been done in Ireland to gather in the crop which grew luxuriantly a few years ago. Until quite recently there existed in our midst millions of men and women who, when their day's work was over, sought and found mental recreation in a domain to which few indeed of us who read books are permitted to enter.'

This book has 143 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1910.

Production notes: This ebook of Beside The Fire was published by Global Grey in 2018.

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