Byways to Blessedness

James Allen

Byways to Blessedness, by James Allen - click to see full size image

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Byways to Blessedness is a spiritual self help book by James Allen, first published in 1904. From the Foreword: 'Along the great highway of life there are such resting places; away from the heat of passion and the dust of disappointment, under the cool and refreshing shade of lowly Wisdom, are the humble, unimposing “rest-houses” of peace, and the little, almost unnoticed, byways of blessedness, where alone the weary and footsore can find strength and healing.'

This book has 100 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1904.

Production notes: This ebook of Byways to Blessedness was published by Global Grey in 2018.

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