The Candle of Vision

George William Russell

The Candle of Vision, by George William Russell - click to see full size image

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A set of transcendent essays on Celtic mysticism, describing Russells' luminous excursions into the otherworld, including clairvoyant and prophetic visions, precognition of Gnostic concepts, past-life and astral journeys, and, always, heightened awareness of the beauty that pervades mundane reality. Russell describes encounters with what today we would call UFOs, and attempts to construct a private Kabala based on an intuitive reconstuction of a primal language and alphabet. Lastly, he attempts to put a mystical gloss on the primeval Celtic pagan deities.

This book has 87 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1920.

Production notes: This ebook of The Candle of Vision was published by Global Grey in 2018.

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