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Chapters include: The "Vineyard" At Jamnia; Flavius Josephus And The Jewish Sibyl; The Talmud; The Midrash And Its Poetry; The Letters Of The Gaonim; The Karaitic Literature; The New-Hebrew Piyut; Saadiah Of Fayum; Dawn Of The Spanish Era; The Spanish-Jewish Poets (I); Rashi And Alfassi; The Spanish-Jewish Poets (II); Moses Maimonides; The Diffusion Of Science; The Diffusion Of Folk-Tales; Moses Nachmanides; The Zohar And Later Mysticism; Italian Jewish Poetry; Ethical Literature; Travellers' Tales; Historians And Chroniclers; Isaac Abarbanel; The Shulchan Aruch; Amsterdam In The Seventeenth Century; and, Moses Mendelssohn.
This book has 131 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1899.
Production notes: This ebook of Chapters on Jewish Literature was published by Global Grey in 2018.
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