Culture and Anarchy

Matthew Arnold

Culture and Anarchy, by Matthew Arnold - click to see full size image

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Culture and Anarchy: An Essay in Political and Social Criticism is a book of essays by Matthew Arnold, first published in 1869. Initally printed in Cornhill Magazine the previous year, the book delves into the author's concerns about the state of British society and advocates for the cultivation of 'culture' as a means to address the societal problems of the time. Arnold argues that culture, broadly defined as the pursuit of knowledge, beauty, and moral perfection, can serve as a unifying force and remedy the conflicts and divisions prevalent in society. He criticizes the prevailing mindset of his era, which he terms 'Philistinism', characterized by materialism, narrow-mindedness, and the pursuit of personal interests at the expense of communal well-being.

This book has 68,135 words, 94 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1869.

Production notes: This ebook of Culture and Anarchy was published by Global Grey on the 22nd May 2023. The artwork used for the cover is 'Masked Ball at the Opera' by Edouard Manet.

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