Dick Sand, A Captain at Fifteen

Jules Verne

Dick Sand, A Captain at Fifteen, by Jules Verne - click to see full size image

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Dick Sand, A Captain at Fifteen is the 17th book in the Extraordinary Voyages Series by Jules Verne. Dealing with the issues of the African slave trade, the book follows fifteen year old Dick Sands who serves on the schooner Pilgrim, a whaler that normally voyages across the Pacific in their efforts to find targets. Several days into their journey north-east, the Pilgrim encounters a shipwreck, with only five African-American survivors (Tom, Actéon, Austin, Bat and Hercule) plus a dog (Dingo), all of whom are brought into the ship and offered passage to America.

№ 17 in the Extraordinary Voyages series.

This book has 292 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1878; this translation by George Munro, 1878.

Production notes: This ebook of Dick Sand, A Captain at Fifteen was published by Global Grey in 2020.

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