Escape on Venus

Edgar Rice Burroughs

Escape on Venus, by Edgar Rice Burroughs - click to see full size image

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Escape on Venus is a fantasy book by American author Edgar Rice Burroughs, first published in 1946. It is the fourth book in the Venus series (also called the Amtor series), that consists of five novels in total. The book was originally published as four connected stories (Slaves of the Fish Men, Goddess of Fire, The Living Dead, and War on Venus) in the magazine Fantastic Adventures, and was then published later as a book edition. The hero of the series Carson Napier and the woman he loves, Duare are trying to find their way back to Korva, the country that became their home in the previous book. As they do they encounter many strange things including a nation of fishmen.

№ 4 in the Venus series.

This book has 84,029 words, 174 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1946.

Production notes: This ebook of Escape on Venus was published by Global Grey on the 8th April 2022. The artwork used for the cover is 'Waterlilies' by Claude Monet.

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