From India to the Planet Mars

Theodore Flournoy

From India to the Planet Mars, by Theodore Flournoy - click to see full size image

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This is a skeptical inquiry into a remarkable 19th century French medium (here called Hélène Smith), and her interplanetary psychic visions. This book documents the Martian language and writing, includes hand-drawn illustrations of scenes, and mysterious vignettes of life on another planet. Included are over forty short texts in 'Martian' with translations in French and English. Flournoy's book brought Hélène fame, and the book is still in print over a hundred years later. However, she was not appreciative of his critical approach, and refused to work with him any further after the book was published.

This book has 321 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1900.

Production notes: This ebook of From India to the Planet Mars was published by Global Grey in 2019.

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