The Golden Triangle

Maurice Leblanc

The Golden Triangle, by Maurice Leblanc - click to see full size image

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The Golden Triangle (also known as The Return of Arsène Lupin) is a book by Maurice Leblanc, first published in 1917. It is the ninth book in the Arsène Lupin series. War veteran Captain Patrice Belval thwarts a kidnapping attempt on a nurse affectionately known as Little Mother Coralie. This heinous act is intertwined with a scheme to plunder France's gold reserves amid the chaos of the First World War, and it also unveils a mysterious connection between the two individuals. To unravel these complexities and confront a relentless adversary, the captain's former comrades advise him to seek the help of Arsène Lupin, despite the widespread belief in Lupin's demise.

№ 9 in the Arsène Lupin series.

This book has 89,958 words, 175 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1918. This is a translation by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos.

Production notes: This ebook of The Golden Triangle was published by Global Grey in 2020, and updated on the 7th May 2024. The artwork used for the cover is 'Portrait of Louis de Chevigné' by Ernest Meissonier.

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