A History of the United States

Cecil Chesterton

A History of the United States, by Cecil Chesterton - click to see full size image

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A History of the United States is a book by English journalist Cecil Chesterton, first published in 1919. The author was the brother of G. K. Chesterton. He fought in WWI, was injured three times, and died shortly after the end of the war. The book is written from a populist view of American history, beginning with America's struggle for independence and the development of the Constitution. Chapters include: The English Colonies; Arms And The Rights Of Man; "We, The People"; The Mantle Of Washington; The Virginian Dynasty; The Jacksonian Revolution; The Spoils Of Mexico; The Slavery Question; Secession And Civil War; "The Black Terror"; and, The New Problems.

This book has 91,647 words, 136 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1919.

Production notes: This ebook of A History of the United States was published by Global Grey on the 10th March 2022. The artwork used for the cover is 'Andrew Jackson Commands Troops' by Frederick Coffay.

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