John Carter of Mars

Edgar Rice Burroughs

John Carter of Mars, by Edgar Rice Burroughs - click to see full size image

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This is the eleventh and final book in the Barsoom Series. It is a collection of two John Carter of Mars stories. Although credited to Edgar Rice Burroughs, it was written by his son, John Coleman Burroughs and was later expanded and re-published in Amazing Stories as 'John Carter and the Giant of Mars', the name it goes under in the collection. The second story, 'Skeleton Men of Jupiter', was first published in Amazing Stories in 1943. Intended as the first in a series of novellas to be later collected in book form, in the fashion of Llana of Gathol, it ends with the plot unresolved, and the intended sequels were never written.

№ 11 in the Barsoom series.

This book has 129 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1964.

Production notes: This ebook of John Carter of Mars was published by Global Grey in 2019.

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