The Legends Of King Arthur And His Knights

James Knowles

The Legends Of King Arthur And His Knights, by James Knowles - click to see full size image

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Stories from the legends of King Arthur, the famous British leader who led the defence of Britain against the Saxon invaders in the 5th and 6th centuries. Chapter subjects include: The Prophecies of Merlin, and the Birth of Arthur; The Miracle of the Sword and Stone, and the Coronation of King Arthur; King Arthur drives the Saxons from the Realm; The Battles of Celidon Forest and Badon Hill; King Arthur Conquers Ireland and Norway, Slays the Giant of St. Michael’s Mount, and Conquers Gaul; Sir Balin Smites the Dolorous Stroke; The Marriage of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere, and the Founding of the Round Table, and many more.

This book has 242 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1862.

Production notes: This ebook of The Legends Of King Arthur And His Knights was published by Global Grey in 2020.

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