Mr. Britling Sees It Through

H. G. Wells

Mr. Britling Sees It Through, by H. G. Wells - click to see full size image

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Mr. Britling Sees It Through is a wartime novel by English writer, H. G. Wells, first published in 1916. One of the most popular novels in the UK and Australia during World War I, it tells the story of Mr Britling, an easy-going man who lives with family and friends in the fictional village of Matching's Easy, located in the county of Essex, northeast of London. The book's plot concerns Britling's complex character, along with his relationship with his wife, his affairs, his son who goes off to fight in the War, and a German friend, who is forced to leave the country at the start of the War. The book includes an exposition of the author's non-sectarian religious faith. The Russian writer Maxim Gorkey called the book: 'the finest, most courageous, truthful, and humane book written in Europe in the course of this accursed war.' The novel was used as a text at chaplains' school, and was embraced by military officers and religious leaders.

This book has 140,259 words, 233 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1916.

Production notes: This ebook of Mr. Britling Sees It Through was published by Global Grey on the 5th September 2018, and updated on the 9th June 2023. The artwork used for the cover is 'Henry Clay and Helen Frick' by Edmund Charles Tarbell.

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