My Disillusionment in Russia

Emma Goldman

My Disillusionment in Russia, by Emma Goldman - click to see full size image

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My Disillusionment in Russia is a book by Russian-born anarchist Emma Goldman, that was first published in 1923. It is an eyewitness account of events in Russia from 1920 to 1921 that happened in the wake of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and which culminated in the Kronstadt rebellion. In 1919 at the height of first Red Scare, Goldman, living in the United States at the time, was deported to the Soviet Union. She had planned on fighting with the revolutionaries but her experiences with the Bolsheviks and their oppression and corruption led to her disillusionment and she eventually emigrated to Germany. My Disillusionment in Russia was originally a much longer manuscript entitled 'My Two Years in Russia', but when the author received the first printed copies, she found out that the publishers had changed the title and had removed the last 12 chapters. They were later published under the title 'My Further Disillusionment in Russia'. This edition includes both books.

This book has 86,277 words, 146 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1923.

Production notes: This ebook of My Disillusionment in Russia was published by Global Grey in 2020, and updated on the 26th September 2023. The artwork used for the cover is 'Early spring' by Ivan Yendogurov.

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