The Religious System of the Amazulu

Henry Callaway

The Religious System of the Amazulu, by Henry Callaway - click to see full size image

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The Religious System of the Amazulu is a book by English missionary Henry Callaway, first published in 1870. Written in both English and Zulu (this ebook edition does not contain the Zulu text), the book describes the beliefs of the Amazulu people, and is composed of a series of interviews conducted by Callaway with Zulu people. Divided into four different sections which include, Unkulunkulu, Amatonga, Izinyanga Zokubula, and Abatakati. Although it doesn't contain any sacred texts or give details of religious ceremonies, the work remains interesting and informative.

Note: This books ends abruptly in the middle of a sentence. This is how it was in the printed version.

This book has 110,659 words, 157 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1870.

Production notes: This ebook of The Religious System of the Amazulu was published by Global Grey on the 9th December 2022. The artwork used for the cover is 'Zulu Warrior Utimuni, nephew of Shaka, the Zulu king' which originally appeared in Angas' 1849: "The Kafirs Illustrated".

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