Return of the Native

Thomas Hardy

Return of the Native, by Thomas Hardy - click to see full size image

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One of Thomas Hardy's most powerful works, The Return of the Native centers on Egdon Heath, the wild, haunted Wessex moor. The heath's changing face mirrors the fortunes of the farmers, inn-keepers, sons, mothers, and lovers who populate the novel. The 'native' is Clym Yeobright, who comes home from a cosmopolitan life in Paris. He, his cousin Thomasin, her fiancé Damon Wildeve, and the willful Eustacia Vye, are the protagonists in a tale of doomed love, passion, and melancholy.

This book has 433 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1878.

Production notes: This ebook of Return of the Native was published by Global Grey in 2018.

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