Satanism and Witchcraft

Jules Michelet

Satanism and Witchcraft, by Jules Michelet - click to see full size image

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Satanism and Witchcraft is a book by French historian Jules Michelet, that explores the history of witchcraft. Originally published in Paris as 'La Sorcière' in 1862, its first English translation appeared in London a year later. Michelet depicts the lives of witches and the trials they faced, arguing that medieval witchcraft represented a just rebellion by the lower classes against feudalism and the Roman Catholic Church. Despite being considered largely inaccurate, the book is notable for being one of the earliest sympathetic histories of witchcraft. According to Michelet, medieval witchcraft was a form of popular rebellion against the oppression of feudalism and the Roman Catholic Church. This rebellion manifested as a secret religion inspired by paganism and fairy beliefs, organized by a woman who emerged as its leader. Followers of this religion regularly gathered for witches' sabbaths and Black Masses. Michelet's account emphasizes the suffering of peasants and women in the Middle Ages and argues that history should focus on 'the people, and not only its leaders or its institutions,' positioning him ahead of his time as a writer of micro-history. He was among the first to offer a sociological explanation of the witch trials, interpreting source material in a highly literal manner.

This book has 117,687 words, 186 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1862. This translation by Alfred Richard Allinson was first published in 1939.

Production notes: This ebook of Satanism and Witchcraft was published by Global Grey in 2019, and updated on the 23rd May 2024. The artwork used for the cover is 'The Witches' Sabbath by Moonlight' by Domenicus van Wijnen.

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