Tarzan and the City of Gold

Edgar Rice Burroughs

Tarzan and the City of Gold, by Edgar Rice Burroughs - click to see full size image

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This is the sixteenth book in the Tarzan Series. After encountering and befriending Valthor, a warrior of the lost city of Athne (whom he rescues from a group of bandits known as shiftas), the City of Ivory and capital of the land of Thenar, Tarzan is captured by the insane yet beautiful queen Nemone of its hereditary enemy, Cathne, the City of Gold, capital of the land of Onthar. This novel is perhaps best known for two scenes; in the first, Tarzan is forced to fight Cathne's strongest man Phobeg in its arena. While an ordinary man might have been in trouble, Tarzan easily overpowers Phobeg. The second scene, in which Tarzan is forced to fight a lion, starts with the ape man being forced to run away from a hunting lion, Belthar, which will hunt him down and kill him. Tarzan at first believes he can outrun the beast. This lion, however, is of a breed specifically selected for endurance, and ultimately Tarzan must turn to face him.

№ 16 in the Tarzan series.

This book has 153 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1933.

Production notes: This ebook of Tarzan and the City of Gold was published by Global Grey in 2018.

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