Three Men in a Boat

Jerome K. Jerome

Three Men in a Boat, by Jerome K. Jerome - click to see full size image

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Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog), published in 1889, is a humorous account by English writer Jerome K. Jerome of a boating holiday on the Thames between Kingston and Oxford. The book was initially intended to be a serious travel guide, with accounts of local history along the route, but the humorous elements took over to the point where the serious and somewhat sentimental passages seem a distraction to the comic novel. One of the most praised things about Three Men in a Boat is how undated it appears to modern readers – the jokes seem fresh and witty even today. The three men are based on Jerome himself (the narrator J.) and two real-life friends, George Wingrave and Carl Hentschel (called Harris in the book), with whom J. often took boating trips. The dog, Montmorency, is entirely fictional.

This book has 188 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1889.

Production notes: This ebook of Three Men in a Boat was published by Global Grey in 2018.

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