Unto This Last, and Other Essays on Political Economy by John Ruskin

Unto This Last, and Other Essays on Political Economy, by John Ruskin - click to see full size image


Originally published in 1912, this is a collection of political and economical essays by John Ruskin. This ebook edition contains Ruskin's famous essay 'Unto This Last' - which includes four articles; The Roots of Honour; The Veins of Wealth; Qui Judicatis Terram; and, Ad Valorem. A powerful critique of classical economics, the essay challenges the prevailing notions of wealth, labor, and social justice. Ruskin argues that economics should not be separated from morality, emphasizing the well-being of workers over the pursuit of profit. His ideas were controversial at the time, leading to the abrupt cessation of the essays' publication, yet they later inspired influential figures such as Mahatma Gandhi, who credited Unto This Last with shaping his vision of social and economic justice. Also included in this edition are the following essays; 'Maintenance of Life: Wealth, Money and Riches'; 'Nature of Wealth, Variations of Value, The National Store, Nature of Labour, Value and Price, The Currency'; 'The Currency-holders and Store-holders, The Disease of Desire; Laws and Governments: Labour And Riches'; and two lectures under the title, 'The Political Economy of Art'.

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