This is the first volume of the Sacred Books of the East series - a fifty volume set of English translations of Asian religious texts, that were prepared under the direction of Friedrich Max Müller. This first volume, as well as having the translation of the Upanishads, also contains the introduction to the entire series, and explains the methodology and conventions used in the rest of the Sacred Books of the East. The Upanishads are late Vedic Sanskrit texts which form the basis of Hindu religious teaching. Chapters in this volume include: Introduction to the Upanishads (First Translation of the Upanishads; Rammohun Roy; Position of the; Upanishads in Vedic Literature; Different Classes of Upanishads; Critical Treatment of the Text of the Upanishads; Meaning of the Word Upanishad; Works on the Upanishads; The Khândogya-Upanishad; The Talavakâra-Upanishad; The Aitareya-Âranyaka; The Kaushîtaki-Brâhmana-Upanishad; The Vâgasaneyi-Samhitâ-Upanishad); Khândogya Upanishad; Talavakâra or Kena-Upanishad; Aitareya-Âranyaka; Kaushîtaki-Upanishad; and, Vâgasaneyi-Samhitâ-Upanishad, sometimes called Îsâvâsya or Îsâ-Upanishad.
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