We is a dystopian novel written by Yevgeny Zamyatin and first published in 1924. Set in a future society where individuality is suppressed in favor of absolute conformity and control, the story follows the protagonist, D-503, a mathematician and engineer living in the highly regimented One State. D-503 documents his experiences in a journal, detailing his encounters with I-330, a woman who introduces him to ideas of freedom, passion, and rebellion against the totalitarian regime. As D-503 becomes increasingly conflicted between his loyalty to the state and his desire for personal freedom, he grapples with existential questions about the nature of humanity and the price of conformity. The novel explores themes of surveillance, oppression, and the struggle for individuality in the face of a repressive regime. Along with Jack London's The Iron Heel, We is generally considered to be the grandfather of the satirical futuristic dystopia genre.
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