What Men Live By, and Other Tales is a collection of short stories by Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, first published in 1885. The stories in the collection are, What Men Live By (a poignant tale about a shoemaker and a mysterious stranger who learns divine truths about love, kindness, and the essence of human life); The Three Questions (takes the form of a parable, and concerns a king who wants to find the answers to what he considers the three most important questions in life.); The Coffee-House of Surat (a single follower of Judaism, Hinduism, Protestantism, Catholicism, and Islam argue with each other about the true path to salvation, while a quiet Chinese man looks on without saying anything); and, How Much Land Does a Man Need? (about a man who, in his lust for land, forfeits everything). This translation by Louise and Aylmer Maude, was first published in 1906.
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